Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Print Productions

Panel 1
Panel 2

Panel 3
Panel 4

Magazine Advert

Magazine Advert Unfinished

I chose to use this image for the magazine advert I believe it is a strong image which strongly replicates the name of the album. I was unsure on whether to stick to the 'circled' image idea which I used for my digipak. However, I tried this to see what it would turn out like and I preferred the above version as the full image is rather striking to the audience.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Print Prodcutions - Digipak Experimenting UNFINISHED

I played around with different images that I had collected during the shooting of the music video. I thought that from my research it would be a good idea to use a grainy offset and exposure when editing my images as this strongly matches the genre of the band 'Jungle Doctors'. Below are some experiments for the inside of the digipak (where the CD will be placed).

I put all of these ideas next to each other on a word document to compare them and see which ones look good next to each other.