Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Interesting Music Videos

Man Like Me - Squeeze

I found this music video interesting as it seems cheaply made but is still entertaining to watch. The costumes, energy and enthusiasm between the people involved in the video give it a sense of humor, making the song more upbeat and interesting to watch.  Also, what makes the music video interesting is that it doesn't have a simple narrative structure. Instead it's just randomness i.e. the hospital bed, man in the freezer and the sacrifice of an elderly lady in a sparkly bikini.

Gorillaz - Dare

I find this music video particularly interesting at the fact that it mixes cartoon characters with real life characters. This makes it slightly different to other music videos as it uses computer generated effects as well as a real life character with acting, which is what makes the video interesting to watch for the viewers.

The Streets - Fit But You Know It

This music video, firstly, is particularly interesting as it uses many brightly coloured moving images that have been computer generated to bring the dark music video to life, making it more entertaining to watch. The music video also involves celebrities such as Danny Dyer and Frank Harper.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Mr Seal regarding Man Like Me and Gorrilaz' videos. They are both reliant on quirkiness and humour. The Streets music video is the strongest. Note the use of British iconigraphy to reinforce the Britishness of the artist and the genre.

    In all 3 music videos women are marginalised objects/playthings! The represention of gender in music videos is going to be an area of focus in Year 13! Specifically because the attitudes to women in the music industry is so unprogressive and often offensive.

    Well done Anna - I like the way you have engaged with aspects of these music videos
