Monday, 14 October 2013

Target Audience Research

By finding our final song 'Boat Song' I was able to type in various artists of the same genre (Indie/Pop) into Amazon. From this it would come up with suggestions for other music and artists which were bought from the same audience. For example, I typed in the band Little Comets into Amazon and it came up with many other albums that the same customers bought.

From finding out similar artists and albums I was then able to research further into these specific bands and watch their music videos. Not only did I gain information on generic conventions of the band and their music video but I found out where the bands tend to perform, whether it being festivals or gigs (or both). From this I can receive information on what audiences these bands attract to. For example, the band Dog Is Dead is performing this year at the festival 'Bestival'. This band could be seen as a similar band to 'Jungle Doctors' as it's a similar genre with similar sounds. Bestival is a festival with a wide mixture of genres ranging from indie, reggae, hip hop etc.

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